Institutional networks
The division is an institutional member of the following international and national research networks.
The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation, is a broad association for academics, practitioners, activists and institutions in the field of Women’s, Gender, Transgender, Sexuality, and Queer studies, feminist research, women’s, sexual and LGBTQI rights, equality, and diversity. The association constitutes a permanent structure for the growing field of knowledge and practice in Europe. Read more on the Atgender website.
Gender for excellence
Gender for Excellence in Research (GenderEX) is a project designed to build networks, exchange knowledge and engage best practices to stimulate the integration of the Sex and Gender Dimension in Research Content (SGDRC), between the Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center at Kadir Has University (GWSRC-KHAS) in Turkey and three internationally-leading partners in this area: University of Lund (Sweden), University of Genoa (Italy) and Technological University Dublin (Ireland). Read more on the GenderEX website.
InterGender offers a large scale research training programme meeting the needs of PhD students in different phases of their training. The main modules are offered every year on a rotating basis, thus coordinating the respective specialities of the different partner institutions, as well as the different needs of first-, mid- and last-phase PhD students. InterGender is organized so as to ensure the quality of the research performed by the students, as well as the continued development of the training programme they undergo. Read more on the InterGender website.
The Swedish Association for Gender Studies (Ämnesföreningen genusvetenskap, ÄG)
ÄG promotes gender studies as a college and university subject and is a platform for affiliated subject environments. ÄG was founded during the National Gender Research Conference 2019. The subject association strives to be an organization for all forums, centers or institutions with gender studies as a subject in some form around Sweden, to, among other things, strengthen cooperation on the development of the subject.
The Future of Democracy: Cultural Analyses of Illiberal Populism in Times of Crises (FUDEM)
The Graduate School FUDEM is a multi-disciplinary environment where the collective of junior and senior researchers in cultural studies, ethnology, gender studies, and musicology are doing research on the variety of cultural forms in which illiberal populism reveals itself in times of crises. It is a collaboration between six Swedish universities including Linnaeus University, Linköping University, Lund University, Södertörn University, University of Gothenburg and Uppsala University. Read more on the University of Gothenburg website.
Öresund Network
The Öresund Network for Gender History Research brings together researchers interested in gender history from different disciplines with the aim of developing and strengthening the position of gender history on both sides of Öresund. Read more on The Öresund Network (in swedish).